Fifth Class
Before and after World War II

These are the main historical events from 1939, the beginning of WWII to 1950's
by Wilfred Owen

Follow the link and identify:
b. the definition of refugees:

Follow the links and answer the questions
- What are Human Rights?
- How are Human Rights guaranteed?
- What are the most important characteristics of Human Rights?
- What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
- When and where was it signed?
- How many articles does it contain?
Follow the link and watch the video. Which Human Rights are mentioned? Write a list.
Which one do you think is the most important?

A. Look at the maps and answer the questions.

1. Which countries border with Pakistan?
2. What is the capital city of Pakistan?
3. Which sea borders Pakistan?
4. Where is Swat Valley situated ?
2. What is the capital city of Pakistan?
3. Which sea borders Pakistan?
4. Where is Swat Valley situated ?

A ___ Malala's memoir (autobiography) was released the day before the interview in New York City.
B ___ Before shooting her, the Taliban asked her "Are you Malala?" but she didn't have time to answer because the Taliban shot her.
C ___ Taliban are against education for girls and women. Malala thinks that they are afraid of educated women.
D ___ Malala Yousafzay is from Swat Valley, a region in the North of Pakistan.
E ___ On 9th October 2012 Malala was shot by a Taliban on the bus going to school.
F ___ Malala likes reading Twilight saga and she loves listening to Justin Beeber
G ___ By 2009 the Taliban are controlling Swat Valley imposing a rigid Sharia law.
H ___ The bullet that shot Malala hit her left hear, left part of her face and jaw.
I ___ Malala was nominated for the Peace Nobel Prize.
J ___ Malala says that before Taliban Swat Valley was a wonderful place with lots of tourists.
K ___ Malala has been inspired by her father who decided to step forward demanding for girls the right to education.

Il tema della lezione è una di quelli a me più cari e il modo in cui è stata sviluppata è davvero molto interessante.
Here is a lesson about the main goals and strategies that UNESCO (United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture) adopt in order to promote peace and cooperation among the countries.
Introducing UNESCO
In 1996 Jacques Delors, at that time President of the European Commission, published his report for UNESCO "Learning: the treasure within". Find out its main ideas in the following lesson.
Click here to see the lesson
If you're interested in International affairs have a look at the following videos published by UNESCO
Published 05 Mar 2017
XPRIZE: Refugees & the Future of Peace - Melissa Fleming talks about the current refugee crisis and how world leaders should look to a future of peace through education and compassion.
Published 07 mar 2017
Terrorisme par Tahar Ben Jelloun (Écrivain).
Quatre personnalités, experts dans les domaines de la philosophie et de la philologie, choisissent une notion en lien avec la thématique de la Conférence et proposent un tour d’horizon sur son étymologie, ses usages et mésusages.
Basée sur une idée de Barbara Cassin et David Fajolles
Réalisation : Antoine Châtelet et Jean-François Tuso
Avec la collaboration de Kalli Giannelos
Charles Dickens
A writer who believed in the positive influence of writing
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